Removery in the News
Removery’s INK-nitative program was established in August of 2020. Within the first year, the program has had the pleasure to work with some of the best organizations in North America. Removery is proud to work with organizations that are dedicated to rehabilitation, support, overcoming trauma, and positively impacting communities.
The INK-nitiative program provides free tattoo removal from the hands, neck, or face for those who were formerly incarcerated, ex-gang members, human trafficked, domestically abused, or have a hate speech tattoo. Today, these partnerships allow the program to help more people in need of tattoo removal services.
About Project iRISE: Project iRISE is a survivor-led, community-based nonprofit organization with a mission to educate and empower survivors of human trafficking and those at risk. Our vision is to end human trafficking and gender-based violence by raising awareness, addressing stigma, and empowering survivors.
“I founded Project iRISE in 2020 with the belief that survivors of human trafficking should be given every opportunity to succeed in life. But faced with multiple challenges, this is often next to impossible to achieve without help. That’s why Project iRISE aims to support survivors to make this vision a reality.”
– Rhonelle Bruder Founder & Executive Director
Branding Tattoo Removal: Human traffickers use multiple tactics to execute control over their victims. One such way is by forcing or coercing their victims into getting tattooed to signify that they belong to that trafficker. Even when free from their trafficker, these tattoos are a constant reminder of the trauma survivors experienced and can often hinder employment and their ability to rebuild their lives. We believe branding tattoo removal is an essential part of a survivor’s healing and recovery process.
Project iRISE is working with Removery to offer free branding removal services for survivors of human trafficking. By removing tattoos that have been forced on by a trafficker, we help empower victims by removing or covering their markings and brandings that are constant reminders of a traumatic past.
About the Free Radicals Project: The Free Radicals Project is a global extremism prevention program dedicated to eradicating radicalism from the body, heart, and soul of individuals.
They aim to aid “individuals, and their families or communities in exiting hateful and violence-based radicalization”.
Christian Picciolini, who is a world-renowned expert in extremist prevention and disengagement founded the project in 2018.
“If we hope to transcend those who judge and hurt the people they’ve never met, we must attempt to interpret why they hate so we can prevent it from taking hold of future generations.”
– Christian Picciolini Founder
Eradicating Extremist Tattoos: The Free Radicals Project understands how important it is to give someone an opportunity to disengage from their past in order to rewrite their future. With Removery, participants of the Free Radicals Project have the opportunity to change and help them navigate their new path with confidence.
About Red Barn Academy: Red Barn Academy is a licensed, two-year residential life-skill
academy that reinvents lives broken from addiction and crime by teaching honesty, accountability,
and integrity in a farm setting. They are a therapeutic community that teaches behavior modifications by focusing on doing the right thing one step at a time until it becomes habitual.
“Whether or not addiction is a disease is irrelevant because even if it’s not your fault, it’s still your responsibility”
– Red Barn Academy
Removal and Recovery: While Red Barn Academy participants are on their road to rehabilitation, tattoo removal aids in their recovery and grants them the opportunity to grow from the past.
Removery is always looking to partner with organizations within North America and Australia. Prospect organizations can inquire about partnerships at [email protected]. See more about the program on Removery’s INK-nitiative page, and follow their social media channels @removery to see client stories.
We’re on a mission to give you the most straightforward, easy and efficient laser tattoo removal experience. Your estimate will be entirely bespoke to your tattoo; the size, the colours, the ink. It won’t take long and afterwards you’ll have a plan to finally get rid of your unwanted tattoo and get back to being you.