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As you add more art to your body, you may begin to notice that some of your older tattoos just don’t match with the newer ones. One way to make your collection of tattoos more cohesive is to upgrade the older ones with tattoo cover up.
Some of your older tattoos may be dark or made up primarily of black ink. Are your options limited for a dark tattoo cover up? Not necessarily.
With the help of an artist experienced with cover ups, any old tattoo can be upgraded to a more vivid design. You’d either work with the current tattoo as a base layer for the new, or you fade the tattoo with lasers to make “negative space” for the new design.
Below are the six most common reasons why our clients pursue a dark tattoo coverup:
It may seem that the size of the design or the amount of dark ink saturation is a barrier, but with the creative-problem solving of a talented tattoo artist, you can get a dark tattoo cover up you’ll be happy with.
However, it’s not as simple as coloring over something as a painter would reuse a canvas. Instead, tattoo cover up is more like Photoshop where the old tattoo becomes a backdrop layer for the new design.
With the blending of color and its depth, shading, or detailing, the tattoo artist either creates something that integrates the old design or creates something new that completely draws the eye away to the new design.
The primary factors that determine what all is involved with dark tattoo cover up are how saturated the design is, the size of the area you want to cover, and how flexible you are about the outcome.
In many cases, the tattoo designer can work with the existing tattoo as a foundation for the new design. For example, white ink over black work gives a large block of dark ink more interesting detail and dimension
When the available means for a dark tattoo cover up won’t give you the results you want, then the tattoo artist might recommend fading the design with laser removal. This will lighten it and create more negative space for the design.
The outcome of a dark tattoo cover up depends on the talent of the tattoo artist. A tattoo removal service is sometimes also in the mix. Our team at Removery remains in contact with the tattoo artist to help our client get the cover up results they are after.
When choosing a tattoo artist, ask for examples of cover up work they’ve done in the past. An experienced cover up tattoo artist will likely have their own set process, and their evaluation usually consists of the following factors:
Finding common ground between the new design you want and the characteristics of the current design is the goal for this preliminary phase. With your tattoo artist, you should discuss how to work around the existing design and explore all the tattoo cover up ideas.
A tattoo artist will likely refer you to a tattoo removal specialist to work out any trouble areas of the current tattoo so that a new design can successfully take its place. Traditionally, your tattoo artist would suggest a design that is 30-50% larger than the current design. Laser is typically the best way to ensure uniformity and consistency of the new tattoo while also allowing the size of the new tattoo to be smaller.
Also, keep in mind that it may take several sessions with the tattoo artist to achieve the results you want. Stay with it and trust the process until you get an outcome you can be happy with – a new design you are proud to show off.
Tattoo artists are absolute wizards when it comes to coloring the skin, and tattoo modifications are a welcome challenge to many artists out there.
Existing designs that are small with minimal saturation (such as watercolor, black and gray portraits, and clouds), thin or absent outlines, and gradient coloring or are faded are among the easiest to cover up. Also, cooler colors tend to be easier to cover than warmer colors. If yours is none of the above, don’t worry. Just because a tattoo is more difficult to cover doesn’t mean you can’t. It’s just more challenging (and a good cover up artist will be up for the challenge).
Your tattoo artist also considers how the new pigment will blend with the existing color. Certain colors could work for or against the design.
Large and complex designs with lots of detail, rich shading, or depth of color tend to be the most successful for a dark tattoo cover up.
Over the years, tattoos will fade. This fading works to your advantage as the tattoo artist has less pigment to cover up or disguise.
Check out this amazing transformation by tattoo artist Evan Olin (@evanolintattoo). There are few characters darker than Freddy Krueger, but we were able to lighten up the tattoo in five sessions for a far more dimensional cover up.
Dark forearm tattoo faded to be covered by a neo-traditional rose. This tattoo took four laser removal sessions to fade enough for the cover up. The tattoo was done by tattoo artist Keith Kuzara (@keithison).
This shaded forearm tattoo took one laser removal session to fade the old tattoo for a cover up. This tattoo was done by Steve Bishov (@stevebishov).
This faded dandelion tattoo was faded enough to be covered by a mosaic flower. (Artist unknown)
Four laser removal sessions on this colorful sleeve and tattoo artist Kimberly Graziano (@bunnymachine) was able to cover it up.
This dark foot tattoo had six laser removal sessions to lighten up enough for the cover up. The cover up was done by tattoo artist Dustin Lovell (@givemetheskull).
This dark chest tattoo was completely removed for the tattoo artist (artist unknown) to have enough negative space for these identical roses.
This dark chest tattoo took three laser removal sessions before tattoo artist Dan Belcher (@xdxbx) covered it up.
Five laser removal sessions on this dark chest tattoo and tattoo artist Jason Talbot (@jasontalbot) was able to cover it up.
To reconcile what you currently have with what you ultimately want, a tattoo artist may recommend that you have the current design professionally faded by way of removal laser treatment.
“The point of getting it lasered is so you have more opportunities, more possibilities of what you can get it covered with because it’ll give your artist more freedom, you know, to give you something you want to get,” says New York City tattoo artist Jon Mesa. He further explains the benefits of clearing the way: “Negative space is super important on a tattoo so that it can breathe. the best way to get it to look bright and to really bounce off the skin, the colors will look a lot better, the black and grey tones will look a lot better if there’s room to breathe.”
Tattoo fading makes the existing design easier to camouflage. Lasers removing and breaking up hard angles make it less likely for the old tattoo to show through the new one.
Once the tattoo has faded sufficiently and the skin has had time to heal from laser removal, you’ll be on your way back to the tattoo artist for the most exciting step: the new design! Learn more about cover up tattoos.
Cover-ups are a great way to augment your look without giving up the space. If you’re looking for some help, here are our best ways to choose a cover-up tattoo.
Wrist Tattoo Cover-Ups Ex’s Name Tattoo Cover-Ups Finger Tattoo Cover-Ups Shoulder Tattoo Cover-Ups Flower Tattoo Cover-Ups Cover-Ups For Thigh Tattoos Butterfly Tattoo Cover-Ups
Aunque estamos especializados en la eliminación de tatuajes, en Recovery también somos entusiastas de los tatuajes. Nuestro objetivo es que te encante la piel que llevas y a veces necesitas un cambio de imagen de tatuajes para volver a enamorarte de tu tinta.
Durante nuestra consulta de cobertura, hablaremos de tus objetivos de tatuaje y de lo que se necesita para conseguir el diseño que deseas. A partir de ahí, determinaremos cuántas sesiones son necesarias para preparar la zona para el nuevo diseño.
No todos los láseres de eliminación de tatuajes pueden eliminar las tintas negras, por lo que utilizamos los mejores eliminación de tatuajes Picosure para resolver esas zonas de color más oscuro.
Una vez que te hayas decidido a dar el primer paso para cubrir tu tatuaje, estamos preparados para remitirte a un tatuador altamente cualificado con experiencia en encubrimientos.
¡Empieza hoy mismo tu proyecto de encubrimiento de tatuajes! Ponte en contacto con nosotros consulta gratuita para cubrir tatuajes.
Tenemos la misión de brindarle la experiencia de eliminación de tatuajes con láser más sencilla, sencilla y eficiente. Su presupuesto será totalmente personalizado para su tatuaje; el tamaño, elcolours, la tinta. No pasará mucho tiempo y después tendrás un plan para deshacerte finalmente de tu tatuaje no deseado y volver a ser tú mismo.