Tattoo Removal

Powerful Benefits of Tattoo Removal

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Published: 06.05.2023
Updated: 07.11.2024

Getting a tattoo always seems like a good idea at the time—but when your tattoo doesn’t turn out like you thought it would or you grow tired of the artwork years down the line, you may find yourself feeling tattoo regret and wondering about tattoo removal options. The good news is that even though tattoos are touted as permanent, there are plenty of legitimate and safe options for tattoo removal.

If you’re thinking about tattoo removal, you may be wondering where to begin. At Removery, we specialize in safe and effective laser tattoo removal, we have studios across the USA, Canada, and Australia.

Do Tattoos Boost Confidence?

When you first got your tattoo, you may have enjoyed a nice confidence boost as a result. You likely felt a sense of pride in your tattoo and the message it portrayed. Perhaps you would even go out of your way to show it off whenever possible.

In fact, in a study of more than 2,000 college students in 2015, researchers found a correlation between tattoos and self-esteem. Specifically, respondents who had four or more tattoos reported having higher self-esteem than those with fewer or no tattoos.

Are Tattoos a Sign of Low Self-Esteem?

Even if you once loved your tattoo(s), you might feel differently now. Over time, your attitudes and beliefs may have changed—and that tattoo that you once felt so proud to show off, may now be a source of embarrassment for you.

While simply having tattoos is far from a sign of low self-esteem or self-confidence, the reality is that a poorly done tattoo or a “dated” tattoo that a person regrets getting can certainly have an impact on confidence. People who regret getting tattoos may go out of their way to keep certain areas of their body covered up at all times, which can certainly affect self-esteem.

Reasons to Have a Tattoo Removed

There is really no “wrong” reason to want a tattoo removed. However, there are a few common reasons people explore laser tattoo removal.

Employment Opportunities

While many employers have become more lenient about tattoos in the workplace, there are still plenty of employers that have strict “no-tattoo” policies. Generally, these workplaces do not allow any visible tattoos. This means that if you have a visible tattoo, you’ll have to go out of your way to cover it up (either with bandages, makeup, or certain clothing) every day you go to work.

Meanwhile, if you’re seeking a job with an employer that does not allow tattoos at all, then you may need to choose between your ink and your dream job. If the job is important enough to you, then having your tattoo removed may be your best option.

A Change of Heart

Even if your employer doesn’t have an issue with your tattoos, you still might. Perhaps you chose a significant other’s name for a tattoo, only for that relationship to end a few months later. Possibly, you chose a political tattoo with a message that you no longer stand by. These types of “changes of heart” happen all the time as people grow; personalities and life circumstances change—and a tattoo that aligned with your beliefs five years ago, may not align with your beliefs today. All the more reason to consider permanent tattoo removal.

Poor Quality Work

Maybe you had an idea for an amazing tattoo, but the artist who completed your tattoo simply didn’t do as well of a job as you’d hoped. Perhaps the lines are a bit choppy, or the colorwork just isn’t what you had anticipated. Poor tattoo quality is a very common reason for people to seek tattoo-removal options.

Can Permanent Tattoos Be Removed?

Yes, permanent tattoos (contrary to what the term implies) can be removed. However, the key is selecting the removal method which is best suited for your skin type, your tattoo, and your lifestyle.

What are some of the most common tattoo removal options? The first involves laser removal, which utilizes bursts of high-intensity laser energy to break through the skin and essentially absorbs the pigment of the tattoo until it is no longer visible. Oftentimes, laser tattoo removal must be done in several sessions to achieve the best results—but this can vary based on the complexity of the case.

Another FDA-cleared tattoo removal option is microdermabrasion, which more-or-less involves removing the top layers of skin that contain the pigment. For smaller tattoos, a method known as excision may also be considered; this involves literally cutting the tattooed skin away and suturing the skin back together.

Can You Remove a Tattoo at Home?

If you’ve been looking into tattoo removal, you may have also seen targeted ads for at-home removal options in the form of creams or lotions. Unfortunately, none of these have been reviewed or cleared by the FDA—so there is no guarantee that they work or that they are even safe. Stay away from any at-home tattoo removal products, which could cause skin rashes, scarring, burning, and other undesired side effects. If you’re going to have a tattoo removed, have it done by a professional.

Is Laser Tattoo Removal Right For You?

For many considering tattoo removal, the laser is a viable and practical option. At Removery, we’re proud to offer laser tattoo removal services to help you get that “clean slate” you’ve been dreaming of.

Using the innovative PicoWay® dual laser, we’re able to deliver very short pulses of laser energy to the tattooed tissue with minimal pain and discomfort. These pulses are effective at breaking up tattoo pigment so they can be effectively removed. Removery specifically specializes in tattoo removal using the PicoWay laser to effectively and efficiently fade and remove tattoo pigment from the skin, a true leader in the industry.

Benefits of Laser Tattoo Removal With Removery

Our treatment lasers can remove most tattoo pigment with the least amount of pain and discomfort in each session. This is because our innovative laser leaves less of a “heat footprint” than other lasers while breaking up ink photo-acoustically for the best results. To ensure your comfort during treatment, we pre-ice the area and then use a Zimmer Cryo-Chiller during the tattoo removal treatment.

Meanwhile, laser tattoo removal will also not leave a scar when it is performed correctly by an experienced professional.

What to Expect

If you’re thinking about getting laser tattoo removal, we encourage you to start with a no-cost consultation in our office. This will help us get a better feel for how many treatment sessions you’ll need and what your exact treatment process will look like.

Typically, tattoo removal takes approximately 8-14 sessions. However, this can vary based on the location of your tattoo, the colors that were used, and other factors that our providers can discuss with you prior to treatment.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’d like to find out more about our laser tattoo-removal services or schedule your free consultation, contact us today. We’d be happy to get your no-pressure consultation booked or answer any questions you may have about our services.

Let's get started

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We’re on a mission to give you the most straightforward, easy and efficient laser tattoo removal experience. Your estimate will be entirely bespoke to your tattoo; the size, the colors, the ink. It won’t take long and afterwards you’ll have a plan to finally get rid of your unwanted tattoo and get back to being you.

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