Understanding the process of how a tattoo is applied gives us a unique insight into what is required for the removal process.
See how we removed this multi-color thigh tattoo.
Learn how we work with pre-existing scar tissue.
We were able to work around hypopigmentation in this client and provide a complete removal.
Placement matters in tattoo removals because circulation levels make a difference in how quickly a tattoo can be removed.
Safety is always our number one priority, and we take strong precautions.
Do old tattoos take longer to remove than new tattoos? Spoiler alert: no!
Some clients choose to fade existing tattoos in order to prepare for cover-ups and new ink.
Tattoos that are more likely to be exposed to direct sunlight can present challenges for laser technicians. Find out why.
When you purchase a Complete Removal Package, we will continue to treat your tattoo until all removable ink is gone — regardless of the number of sessions or time.